[x81] ; x81 - number of images fr ?Input file series?<1> fr ?Output file series?<2> fr ?Document file to store the shifts?<3> ; do lb1 i=1,x81 x90=x0 cp <1>x90 _1 x21=0.0 x22=0.0 do lb2 j=1,100 x91=x0 sh _1 _5 -x21,-x22 RO I _5 _2 CC N _5 _2 _3 pk x11,x12 _3 (1,0) if(x11.ne.0.0) goto lb4 if(x12.eq.0.0) goto lb3 lb4 x21=x21+x11 x22=x22+x12 lb2 lb3 ; store shifts x-y and how many iterations were done. sd x90,x21,x22,x91 <3> cp _5 <2>x90 lb1 sd e <3> re