@GENERAL PREFIX qq2 PATH ./snapshots # COMPLEX 1 RECEPTOR 1 LIGAND 1 # COMPT ./qq2.prmtop RECPT ./jmjd.prmtop LIGPT ./tail.prmtop # GC 0 AS 0 DC 0 # MM 1 GB 1 PB 1 MS 0 # NM 0 # ################################################################################ @PB PROC 2 REFE 0 INDI 1.0 EXDI 80.0 SCALE 2 LINIT 1000 PRBRAD 1.4 ISTRNG 0.0 RADIOPT 0 NPOPT 1 CAVITY_SURFTEN 0.0072 CAVITY_OFFSET 0.00 # SURFTEN 0.0072 SURFOFF 0.00 # ################################################################################ @MM # # MM parameters (this section is only relevant if MM = 1 above) # # The following parameters are passed to sander. # For further details see the sander documentation. # # DIELC - Dielectricity constant for electrostatic interactions. # Note: This is not related to GB calculations. # DIELC 1.0 # ################################################################################ @GB # # GB parameters (this section is only relevant if GB = 1 above) # # The first group of the following parameters are passed to sander. # For further details see the sander documentation. # # IGB - Switches between Tsui's GB (1), Onufriev's GB (2, 5). # GBSA - Switches between LCPO (1) and ICOSA (2) method for SASA calc. # Decomposition only works with ICOSA. # SALTCON - Concentration (in M) of 1-1 mobile counterions in solution. # EXTDIEL - Dielectricity constant for the solvent. # INTDIEL - Dielectricity constant for the solute # # SURFTEN / SURFOFF - Values used to compute the nonpolar contribution Gnp to # the desolvation according to Gnp = SURFTEN * SASA + SURFOFF. # IGB 2 GBSA 1 SALTCON 0.00 EXTDIEL 80.0 INTDIEL 1.0 # SURFTEN 0.0072 SURFOFF 0.00 # ################################################################################ @MS # # Molsurf parameters (this section is only relevant if MS = 1 above) # # PROBE - Radius of the probe sphere used to calculate the SAS. # Since Bondi radii are already augmented by 1.4A, PROBE should be 0.0 # PROBE 0.0 # ################################################################################# @PROGRAMS # # Additional program executables can be defined here # # ################################################################################