AMBER Archive (2009)

Subject: [AMBER] antechamber error

From: Taufik Al-Sarraj (
Date: Wed Sep 16 2009 - 13:18:32 CDT

i recently updated AMBER and i changed the directory's name from
AMBER10.09 to AMBER10.25
i tried to run antechamber and got the following error

Taufik_at_sb2051B-9 AZ]$ antechamber -i az.mol2 -fi mol2 -o az.prepin -fo
prepi -c bcc -s 2
Cannot open the CORR_NAME_TYPE.DAT file
/usr/local/Programs/amber10.09/dat/antechamber/CORR_NAME_TYPE.DAT to
read, exit

i don't want to change the amber folder back to the old name
the file should be

also i updated my $AMBERhome already
[Taufik_at_sb2051B-9 AZ]$ echo $AMBERHOME

how can i update this path?

Thank you,

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