AMBER Archive (2009)

Subject: [AMBER] input file

From: Mag. Thomas Taylor (
Date: Thu Sep 10 2009 - 05:48:06 CDT

Dear AMBER users,

My input file does not work, because of an error in the &ctrl namelist, but I
cannot figure out where the problem lies exactly (the error message sure is not
really helpful either).

Please find my output below and point out any mistakes.


          Amber 10 SANDER 2008

| Run on 09/10/2009 at 12:43:11
  [-O]verwriting output

File Assignments:
| MDIN: emim_trif_50.start
| MDOUT: /scratch/anubis/amber/emim_trif_50/out/emim_trif_50-1.out
|INPCRD: emim_trif_50.inpcrd
| PARM: emim_trif_50.prmtop
|RESTRT: /scratch/anubis/amber/emim_trif_50/rst/emim_trif_50-1.rst
| REFC: refc
| MDVEL: mdvel
| MDEN: mden
| MDCRD: /scratch/anubis/amber/emim_trif_50/dcd/emim_trif_50-1.mdcrd
|MDINFO: mdinfo
|INPDIP: inpdip
|RSTDIP: rstdip

|INPTRA: inptraj

 Here is the input file:

EMIM TRIF 50: 100ps slice
  imin = 0,
  irest = 0,
  ntx = 1,
  ntb = 1,
  iwrap = 1,
  cut = 10.0,
  skinnb = 4.0,
  ipol = 0,
  ntpr = 1000,
  ntwr = 0,
  ntc = 2,
  ntf = 2,
  ntt = 3,
  gamma_ln = 1.0,
  tempi = 300.0,
  temp0 = 300.0,
  dt = 0.002,
  nstlim = 50000,
  nscm = 5000,
  ntwx = 50,
  ntwv = 0,
  ioutfm = 1
 error in reading namelist cntrl

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