AMBER Archive (2009)Subject: Re: [AMBER] Disappearing common atoms in Amber 10 with TI
From: Khavrutskii, Ilja (ikhavrutskii_at_ucsd.edu)
I figured out how to get the dummy atoms added and parameters for them. Using parmchk with options like
parmchk -i original.mol2 -f mol2 -o original.frcmod -a Y
To get all the parameters with regular atom types for the original molecule
then changed manually parameter types in the original.mol2 to dummy.mol2
parmchk -i dummy.mol2 -f mol2 -o dummy.frcmod -a Y
That gives you two frcmod files that you can use to create your final dummy.frcmod
Then you can do something like this:
tleap -s -f pentane2butane.leaprc
Where pentane2butane.leaprc is:
source leaprc.ff99SB
PNT=loadmol2 hpnt.mol2
desc PNT.1
set PNT.1.HA3 charge 0.031400
set PNT.1.CE type vc
saveamberparm PNT hbtn.prmtop hbtn.inpcrd
vc and vh being the new atom types used in the first step, virtual c and h.
I want the vc-vh bonds that are c-h bonds to be SHAKEn, do I need to wory about make that explicit to Amber or would it understand given the Masses of the atoms?
What would be the best way to ensure that vc-vh bonds are SHAKEn?
On 7/16/09 10:09 AM, "steinbrt_at_rci.rutgers.edu" <steinbrt_at_rci.rutgers.edu> wrote:
> I was trying to disappear/decouple a common atom using icfe=1, ifsc=0, and
scmask gives the mask of atoms experiencing soft-core potentials, it is
Basically, you have to introduce a new atom type with zero vdW parameters
Dr. Thomas Steinbrecher
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