AMBER Archive (2009)Subject: Re: [AMBER] Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution and ig=-1
From: Naser Alijabbari (na3m_at_virginia.edu)
I am using Amber 10 and these are the parameters for a test run in sander.
I am not sure where ig comes into setvel. In mdread there is only 'if(
! Assign velocities from a Maxwellian distribution.
subroutine setvel(nr,v,winv,tempi,init,iscale,scalm)
use amoeba_mdin, only : iamoeba,beeman_integrator
implicit none
double precision v(*),winv(*),tempi,scalm
integer nr,init,iscale
integer i,j,nr3, icopy
double precision boltz,sd
nr3 = 3*nr
! ----- Assign velocities from a Maxwellian distribution
if (tempi < 1.d-6) then
v(1:nr3+iscale) = 0.d0
end if
boltz = 8.31441d-3*tempi/4.184d0
i = 0
do j=1,nr
sd = sqrt(boltz*winv(j))
call gauss(0.d0,sd,v(i+1))
call gauss(0.d0,sd,v(i+2))
call gauss(0.d0,sd,v(i+3))
i = i+3
end do
if (iscale > 0) then
sd = sqrt(boltz/scalm)
do j=1,iscale
call gauss(0.d0,sd,v(i+j))
end do
end if
if ( iamoeba == 1 .and. beeman_integrator == 1 )then
do j=1,nr3
v(j) = 20.455d0*v(j) ! beeman uses time in ps units
end subroutine setvel
On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 9:41 PM, Carlos Simmerling <
> in dynlib.f:
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