AMBER Archive (2008)Subject: RE: AMBER: Who success in setting up a covalent bond between ligand and enzyme with tLeap ?
From: Ross Walker (ross_at_rosswalker.co.uk)
Hi Jitrayut,
Please see the following tutorial which illustrates how to do this.
You might also want to look at this tutorial as well:
All the best
From: owner-amber_at_scripps.edu [mailto:owner-amber_at_scripps.edu] On Behalf Of
Dear amber users,
Is there anyone success in setting up a covalently bond between ligand and
For example, If I want to make a acetylated serine how can I set up this
I have already cheked on other post with similar topic in
I could'n understand how to do so any good explanation from you it would be
Jitrayut Jitonnom
School of Chemistry,
University of Bristol, UK
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