AMBER Archive (2008)

Subject: Re: AMBER: Buckingham potential

From: Adrian Roitberg (
Date: Tue Sep 30 2008 - 10:14:53 CDT

As Andreas mentioned, this is technically possible, but requires that
you go into the guts of the fortran, unravel the vdw code and replace it
with Buckingham' potential. Depending on your level of expertise in
fortran and in playing with other people's codes, it should be ok.

Now, as Andreas asked, I also would be interested in why would do want
to do this.
Buckingham' potential is a little more grounded in real physics than vdw
for very short distances, but around the energy minimum and after, they
should be basically the same.

In my experience, if you work in regular temperatures and pressure, you
should never visit the regime of distances where vdw and Buckingham are
truly different.

If you visit that regime, the change in potential should be the least of
your problems!


Diddo Diddens wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to use a custom forcefield from a paper (should be possible in
> AMBER?) where the non bonded interaction parameters are fitted for Buckingham
> potential.
> Thanks for your help
> Andreas Svrcek-Seiler schrieb am 2008-09-30:
>> Hi,
>>> I'm interested in purchasing an AMBER license, but I'd prefer using
>>> the
>>> Buckingham potential instead of vdW. Can this potential be
>>> incorporated in
>>> AMBER?
>> ...easily, if you are not shy of modifying the source code.
>> The hard cumbersome part might be to get the parameters "right".
>> But why would you want to do this? (the answer is none of my
>> business,
>> but I'd like to know it nonetheless).
>> good luck
>> Andreas
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                            Dr. Adrian E. Roitberg
                              Associate Professor
                             Quantum Theory Project
                            Department of Chemistry

Senior Editor. Journal of Physical Chemistry American Chemical Society

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