AMBER Archive (2008)

Subject: Re: AMBER: coordinate file question

From: Robert Hanson (
Date: Tue Sep 30 2008 - 08:30:21 CDT

Thanks, Ross,

Great. That seems to work now.

To be clear: It's the IFBOX parameter = 1 that determines that? (Files from
some sources I see do not have that extra point.) So if IFBOX == 0, then I
should not have the box size?


On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 10:33 PM, Ross Walker <> wrote:

> Hi Robert,
> The last coordinate is the box dimensions. Coordinate files come in
> multiple flavors.
> 1) inpcrd file
> Gas phase - should contain 3*natom
> Orthorhombic periodic - should contain 3*natom +
> xbox,ybox,zbox,alpha,beta,gamma
> where alpha,beta,gamma = 90.0
> truncated octahedral periodic - should contain 3*natom +
> xbox,ybox,zbox,alpha,beta,gamma
> 2) restart file. As inpcrd file but contains 3*natom + 3*velocity +
> box.....
> 3) mdcrd file (fomatted) - 3*natom + xbox,ybox,zbox
> 4) mdcrd file (netcdf binary) - see
> Also see
> All the best
> Ross
> *From:* [] *On
> Behalf Of *Robert Hanson
> *Sent:* Monday, September 29, 2008 8:16 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* AMBER: coordinate file question
> I'm setting up Jmol to read Amber topology / coordinate files. But I've run
> into an odd snag. It seems the coordinate files that I have has one too many
> coordinates. I'll send links to the files if necessary, but does it make
> sense that a topology file reading
> %FORMAT(10I8)
> 37300 16 29669 6234 12927 6917 28267 6499
> 0 0
> 87674 9013 6234 6917 6499 47 101 41
> 31 1
> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
> 24 0
> 0
> has a coordinate file that contains blocks of 37301 * 3 coordinates?
> Does the last coordinate somehow mean something other than an atom? Do
> these parameters somehow indicate that an additional coordinate is present?
> Thanks,
> Bob Hanson
> --
> Robert M. Hanson
> Professor of Chemistry
> St. Olaf College
> 1520 St. Olaf Ave.
> Northfield, MN 55057
> phone: 507-786-3107
> If nature does not answer first what we want,
> it is better to take what answer we get.
> -- Josiah Willard Gibbs, Lecture XXX, Monday, February 5, 1900

Robert M. Hanson
Professor of Chemistry
St. Olaf College
1520 St. Olaf Ave.
Northfield, MN 55057
phone: 507-786-3107

If nature does not answer first what we want, it is better to take what answer we get.

-- Josiah Willard Gibbs, Lecture XXX, Monday, February 5, 1900

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