AMBER Archive (2008)Subject: AMBER: problems with ptraj and strip waters
From: Steve Seibold (seibold_at_chemistry.msu.edu)
Thanks for your comments, Carlos
I tried on a Window VMD and a Linux VMD and in both cases when I added
This topology file (without water) recognizes the mdcrd when I use
Also, VMD has no problem reading the topology files and correct states
My input file is as follows for making the trajectories without water:
trajin file.mdcrd
strip :WAT
center :1-2495 mass origin
image origin center familiar
trajout file_no_water.mdcrd nobox
Steve Seibold
Research Asst. Professor
19B Chemistry Building
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
Office 517-355-9715 ext 264
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