AMBER Archive (2008)Subject: Re: AMBER: installation amber on suse11.0
From: Maicon Sartin (
Date: Tue Aug 26 2008 - 09:52:01 CDT
i see a reference of gcc that talk about this. The new version of gcc
compiler don't accepted withou extension some libraries and others it has
that add "c" and leave without extension, for example <cstdio>, for more
information sees in
2008/8/26 selami ercan <>
> hi!
> I was using suse 10.3 before installing suse 11.0. I also was using amber9
> with suse 10.3 and there was not any installation problems with it.
> but I installation on suse 11.0 gives error. the error is I have
> searched it on net and saw a solution about it. the solution is adding
> #include <stdlib.h> and #include <string.h> to amberX/src/etc/
> I tried it and installation finished succesfully. I want to learn that if
> these changes will make an error or any variations on calculations. and
> apart form this installation of dock gives compiler problems and I have
> solved them with a solution like that of amber.
Maicon A. Sartin
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