AMBER Archive (2008)

Subject: AMBER: divcon.rst ??

Date: Mon Aug 04 2008 - 19:06:43 CDT

I tried to calculate NMR chemical shift using divcon. However, it doesn't
seem to dump restart file. According to the manual, once DUMP=n is set,
divcon should write restart file(divcon.rst) periodically.

Here is my input file,
sander input


&cntrl imin = 1, maxcyc = 5, drms = 5d-3, scee = 1.2, ntpr = 1, ntb = 0, cut = 9, ifqnt = 1, ncyc = 1, &end

&qmmm qmmask = ':1-29', qm_theory = 'MNDO', qmcharge = -19, idc = 1, &end ---- CARTESIAN MNDO CHARGE=-19 GEOM=PDB DIRECT & STANDARD NMR DPSCF=1.0d-9 DUMP=1 & WRTPDB PDUMP=1 MAXIT=100 PRTDPSTAT & RESTART END_COORD

divcon wrote divcon.dmx every iteration but it never wrote divcon.rst.

Please let me know if my input has a problem. Can I restart divcon calculation with only divcon.dmx without divcon.rst?

-- Best, In-Suk Joung

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