AMBER Archive (2008)Subject: Re: AMBER: Which is best temperature controlling method
From: Germain Vallverdu (germain.vallverdu_at_lcp.u-psud.fr)
David A. Case a wrote :
The best (really only) way to calculate time correlation functions is to
You are right to be worried about the random part: be sure to select a new
Dear David
I am sorry but I subscribed recently to the list then I have not the
Can you give more details (or publication) on the fact that in order to
Is IG the seed which is used only for computing random velocities ? or
Best wishes
-- Germain Vallverdu Laboratoire de Chimie Physique Université Paris Sud 11 germain.vallverdu_at_lcp.u-psud.fr 01 69 15 30 38 / 06 88 59 08 87 /Chacun de nous a son étoile. Suivons la en nous félicitant de la voir chaque jour un peu plus loin !/ (V. Grignard)
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