AMBER Archive (2008)Subject: Re: AMBER: trajectories into trajectory
From: Florian Haberl (Florian.Haberl_at_chemie.uni-erlangen.de)
On Sunday, 25. May 2008 13:30, Hakkim Boy wrote:
try something like
ptraj prmtop < ptraj.in > ptraj.out
than edit the file ptraj.in
trajin dyn.mdcrd
trajout new.trj
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Florian Haberl Computer-Chemie-Centrum Universitaet Erlangen/ Nuernberg Naegelsbachstr 25 D-91052 Erlangen Telephone: +49(0) − 9131 − 85 26573 Mailto: florian.haberl AT chemie.uni-erlangen.de ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The AMBER Mail Reflector To post, send mail to amber_at_scripps.edu To unsubscribe, send "unsubscribe amber" (in the *body* of the email) to majordomo_at_scripps.edu
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