AMBER Archive (2008)Subject: AMBER: CAVITY_SURFTEN & CAVITY_OFFSET default params
From: Marcin Krol (
Date: Tue May 13 2008 - 08:44:48 CDT
Dear All
I'm a bit confused what are the correct values for CAVITY_SURFTEN &
CAVITY_OFFSET parameters used in PB calculations. I want to calculate
free energy of binding with script. I wanted to use the
AMBER manual says (on p. 271) that 'If NPOPT is set to 1 and RADIOPT set
to 1, these two lines (CAVITY_SURFTEN/CAVITY_OFFSET) can be removed,
i.e. use the default values set in pbsa for this nonpolar solvation
model. Otherwise, please set these to the following:
# CAVITY_OFFSET: -1.008'
I understand I should use 0.04356 and -1.008 if I use RADIOPT=1 and
NPOPT=2 and I don't need to worry if I use NPOPT=1
However, on p. 128 of the AMBER manual it is written that:
'CAVITY_SURFTEN ... The default value is for NPOPT = 2, but not for
NPOPT = 1.
CAVITY_OFFSET ... The default value is for NPOPT = 2, but not for NPOPT
= 1.'
So now it looks like I don't need to worry if I use NPOPT=2 but should
define CAVITY values if I use NPOPT=1
Could you comment on this? Is Sander clever enough to apply appropriate
CAVITY values both for NPOPT=1 and NPOPT=2 and I don't need to worry too
much? Or is the manual wrong in one place (which one?)
Dr Marcin Krol
Biomolecular Modelling Laboratory
Cancer Research UK
London Research Institute
44 Lincoln's Inn Fields
London WC2A 3PX
Telephone: 020 7269 3033
Fax: 020 7269 3258
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