AMBER Archive (2008)

Subject: Re: AMBER: nab

From: Andreas Svrcek-Seiler (
Date: Tue May 13 2008 - 04:39:19 CDT

> can any one provide me the way to run a nab script? I am really confused about the way nab works. I thiink the tutorial doesn't tell about how to run it (may be I am wrong).
> I will be very much thankful if someone provide me a protocal to run
> nab.

An example:
1) follow the manual for comiling NAB and finish with "make test" tho
check whether all has gone well do far.

2) enter ${NABHOME}/examples and start e.g. with
Compile it with
"nab -o program_1"
...this compiles the script (nab-source) and creates a
binary executable called program_1.
Now enter
which creates a pdb file (gcg10.pdb) as only output.

...I hope this helps,
good luck

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