AMBER Archive (2008)

Subject: AMBER: DCCM correlation analysis

From: Ibrahim Moustafa (
Date: Mon May 05 2008 - 15:21:37 CDT

Dear all,

   I want to do the Dynamic Cross Correlation Map (DCCM) analysis. Searching
AMBER archive showed that similar questions have been posted before but ³no

  I wonder if such analysis is possible in PTRAJ or if there is a script
someone has and willing to share. Googling for a tool to do DCCM analysis
resulted in ³Molecular Dynamics ToolChest²; however, their website seems to
be down! I could not reach it.

  Thanks in advance for your help.


Ibrahim M. Moustafa, Ph.D. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Dept. 201 Althouse Lab., University Park, Pennsylvania State University PA 16802

Tel. (814) 863-8703 Fax (814) 865-7927

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