AMBER Archive (2008)

Subject: Re: AMBER: about glycam06

Date: Sat May 03 2008 - 21:40:14 CDT

I means that in last mail you said I should sum the three terms.
So I sum the three terms of the 4 parameters to get the actual
potential. Is it right?

Thanks a lot for all of your help!


On Sat May 03 20:32:10 EDT 2008, "David A. Case"
<> wrote:

> On Sat, May 03, 2008, WANG,YING wrote:
>> So, like this below:
>> CK CG CG N 1 0.18 0.0 -3
>> 1 0.03 0.0 -2
>> 1 -0.22 0.0 1
>> should be CK CG CG N 3 -0.01 0.0 -4 ?
>> Right?
> I don't understand the question. Perhaps looking at the "file
> formats" page
> at the Amber web site would help. I don't know of any errors in
> the glycam
> files, or any reason why they should be modified (if that helps).
> ...dac
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