AMBER Archive (2008)Subject: AMBER: Generating RESP charges
From: Christopher Illingworth (christopher.illingworth_at_chem.ox.ac.uk)
I am having difficulty generating RESP charges for a ligand - does anyone
1. Optimise the ligand geometry using Gaussian03. My input line is as
#p opt hf/6-31G* Geom=Checkpoint NoSymm Pop=MK IOp(6/33=2,6/42=6)
This gives a list of about 5000 ESP fit centres, and I can generate a .esp
2. Run antechamber as follows:
antechamber -i file.log -fi gout -o file.prepin -fo prepi -c resp -nc -2
I don't get any error messages from this, but my .prepin file does not
CHARGE -2.00 ( 0 )
If in the first place when I run Gaussian on the ligand I pretend it has
Am I doing something wrong, or is there a problem in antechamber with
My ligand coordinates are as follows:
C 0.9424 -0.0505 -2.4332
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