AMBER Archive (2008)Subject: AMBER: WARNING in readAmberTrajectory(): fsetpos() failed on when looking for box coordinates!
From: rams rams (rams.crux_at_gmail.com)
Dear Amber users,
I have come across the following warning message while calculating the rms
The input I am using is the following:
trajin md1.crd
reference min1.pdb
while processing the data, on the screen the following message appeared:
WARNING in readAmberTrajectory(): fsetpos() failed on when looking for box
This is the case only if I include the trajin md5.crd file. With the first
The out file is having the folliwng:
Processing AMBER trajectory file md4.crd
Set 1 .................................................
PTRAJ: Successfully read in 1000 sets and processed 1000 sets.
PTRAJ RMS: dumping RMSd vs time data
Can clearly find something wrong with the md5.crd file.
The data file its generating looks like this:
995.00 1.23954
Part of it I have given here. Upto 1000, it is the information about the
Can any one help me in looking at these details more carefully.
Thanks and Regards,
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