AMBER Archive (2008)

Subject: AMBER:

From: Chris Moth (
Date: Wed Jan 16 2008 - 09:11:07 CST

With _any_ CPU, Operating System, and Compiler combination, it is
essential to build and run the validation test suite that comes with
AMBER - as it is sometimes necessary to hand-tune compiler optimization
flags to prevent calculation errors.

Reena ..... wrote:
> yes they do.............
> 2008/1/16 DawsonSean < <>>:
> To whom it may concern.
> I have one question regarding AMBER
> It is very important for us to know whether AMBERsupports
> AMD Opteron 64 machines with Redhat Linux 5.1 installed.
> We would appreciate it if you could reply me back as soon as
> possible.
> Thank you in advance.
> Sincerely.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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