AMBER Archive (2007)Subject: Re: AMBER: replica exchange out files continually overwritten
From: David A. Case (
Date: Fri Dec 14 2007 - 11:17:09 CST
On Fri, Dec 14, 2007, David Mobley wrote:
> I've used AMBER 9 quite a bit, but am just trying to run my first
> replica exchange simulations. I appear to have MPI working properly
> and the simulations are running just fine. This is on a xeon cluster.
> However, all of my output files for individual replicas (with the
> exception of the trajectories) are apparently being overwritten every
> exchange attempt. I briefly see contents in them in between exchange
> attempts, for example:
> Energy files appear to only have one block of energies ever. However,
> my rem.log file fills up just fine, as do my trajectory files.
This is what you should expect. See the first paragraph in Section 6.9.2, p.
164 of the Users' Manual: the usual roles of mdout and mdinfo are switched,
as explained there.
Others with more Amber 9 remd experience can of course chime in here.
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