AMBER Archive (2007)

Subject: AMBER: Re: Amber_ifort_x86_64 test error

From: Ilya Chorny (
Date: Sun Dec 09 2007 - 10:46:32 CST


I am new to amber. I was able to compile and test amber9 just fine using
gfortran. I am now compiling/testing using ifort with the mkl library, both
in serial and mpi, and I am getting the following test error. Note it
compiles just fine. I saw other posts with previous versions of amber have
similar test error. Any ideas?



cd circ_dna; ./Run.circdna

MKL func load error:
/data0/software/intel/mkl/ undefined
symbol: vmlGetErrorCallBack
  ./Run.circdna: Program error
make: *** [test.sander.GB] Error 1

Ilya Chorny Ph.D.

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