AMBER Archive (2007)Subject: AMBER: Parallel Amber compilation problems !!
From: Sampath Koppole (
Date: Tue Nov 13 2007 - 08:05:28 CST
I am trying to compile Amber in parallel (after
successfully compiling the serial version !!). I have
tried to follow the instructions in the INSTALL file
as closely as I can.
To give you a little background:
I installed (successfully) MPICH-1.2.7 (in my home
directory) and set MPI_HOME to this directory by :
setenv MPI_HOME $HOME/mpich-1.2.7p1/
I then configured with "./configure -mpich -p4
and did a "make clean" after which I ran "make
parallel" but this crashes very early with the
evb_init.o(.text+0x741): In function `evb_init_':
: undefined reference to `mpi_bcast_'
evb_init.o(.text+0x77a): In function `evb_init_':
: undefined reference to `mpi_bcast_'
evb_init.o(.text+0x107e): In function `evb_init_':
: undefined reference to `mpi_bcast_'
evb_init.o(.text+0x141f): In function `evb_init_':
: undefined reference to `mpi_bcast_'
evb_init.o(.text+0x1970): In function `evb_init_':
: undefined reference to `mpi_bcast_'
goes on ...
force.o(.text+0x80e3): In function `force_.A':
: undefined reference to `mpi_bcast_'
force.o(.text+0x810b): In function `force_.A':
: undefined reference to `mpi_bcast_'
force.o(.text+0x8132): In function `force_.A':
: undefined reference to `mpi_bcast_'
force.o(.text+0x8170): In function `force_.A':
: undefined reference to `mpi_bcast_'
force.o(.text+0x8198): more undefined references to
`mpi_bcast_' follow
make[1]: *** [sander.MPI] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory
make: *** [parallel] Error 2
Is there something I have missed doing ??
Thanks a lot for your help.
With best regards,
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