AMBER Archive (2007)Subject: Re: AMBER: calculating charges to modified 4GA unit
From: Austin B. Yongye (
Date: Wed Nov 07 2007 - 08:26:57 CST
Take a look at this publication with detailed information on how
atom-centered charges are derived in GLYCAM.
Kirschner et al. at
Good luck,
> Quoting nag raj <>:
>> My system consist of CH3 group in
>> place of primary and secondary hydroxyl hydrogen atom
>> of alpha-D-Glucose (Unit name is 4GA in glycam04 force
>> field of Amber8.0. Primary and secondary hydroxyl
>> hydrogen atoms in 4GA are replaced by CH3 group). As
>> per the example given in tutorial
>>, I
>> calculated the RESP charges to with and without adding
>> CH3 group to 4GA unit. The charges of 4GA unit without
>> adding CH3 group do not match with 4GA unit of
>> glycam04.
>> My question is:
>> How to calculate the charges to a system consist of
>> CH3 group in place of primary and secondary hydroxyl
>> hydrogen atom of alpha-D-Glucose.
> You could look at
> and in particular the Scheme 5
> And apply what is done on the anomeric carbon to the positions you are
> interested in.
> regards, Francois
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Austin B. Yongye
Complex Carbohydrate Research Center,
University of Georgia,
315 Riverbend Road,
Athens, GA 30602.
Phone: 706 542 0263
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