AMBER Archive (2007)

Subject: Re: AMBER: prepin file format description; pointers on parameterization

From: FyD (
Date: Thu Oct 25 2007 - 08:15:52 CDT

Quoting "M. L. Dodson" <>:

>>> -I.3.3.5- Using Tripos mol2 files in LEaP: Implementation of new
>>> features in LEaP @
>> This tutorial describes the use of the Tripos mol2 file format in the
>> LEaP program (available in the AMBER program distribution and soon in
>> the AMBER tools), and the conversion of a mol2 file into an AMBER OFF
>> library. To this purpose, new commands have been implemented in LEaP and
>> a perfect compatibility between R.E.D., R.E.DD.B. and LEaP is now
>> observed. The complete description of these new commands is reported
>> below along with examples.
> These additional commands look really useful. However, when I try to
> download any of the three source code files, I get a "This page does
> not exist on the q4md-forcefieldtools server!" error.

Sorry... It should be OK now.

> If I understand you, these modified commands will be available in
> the AMBER 10 distribution and in the AMBER tools distribution?

Working on it.

regards, Francois

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