AMBER Archive (2007)

Subject: Re: AMBER: binary restart file

From: Myunggi Yi (
Date: Sun Oct 07 2007 - 18:39:44 CDT

Yes I have.
ptraj can't read the restart file.
I used ioutfm=1 with ntxo=0.
I know the trajectory file is netcdf file (a binary fortamt) can be read
by ptraj.
The restart file (another binary format) couldn't be read by ptraj.

On 10/5/07, Gustavo Seabra <> wrote:
> > Is the binary restart file (generated by ntxo=0) readable by ptraj?
> NTXO=0 means to write an 'unformatted' restart file, but that doesn't
> mean it is binary. To write binary trajectories, you need to specify
> Have you tried to run your output from NTXO=0 through ptraj?
> Gustavo.
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Best wishes,

MYUNGGI YI ================================== KLB 419 Institute of Molecular Biophysics Florida State University Tallahassee, FL 32306

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