AMBER Archive (2007)Subject: Re: AMBER: Problems with cpin file
From: David A. Case (
Date: Tue Oct 02 2007 - 10:16:45 CDT
On Tue, Oct 02, 2007, Eddie Men wrote:
> I am getting this message, when running amber:
> PGFIO-F-233/namelist read/unit=18/too many constants to initialize group
> item.
> File name = cpin formatted, sequential access record = 29
> In source file _mdread.f, at line number 1308
It's pretty hard for us to help, since we don't know what record 29 of your
cpin file looks like. But that is a good place for *you* to look since you
have access to your inputs.
> What does it mean?. I do not know how a cpin file should look like, so I
> have no idea, any feedback please?
cpin files are generally made by the "" file (see p. 173 of the
Users' Manual.) There is an example of running constant pH (including
a cpin file) in $AMBERHOME/test/cnstph.
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