AMBER Archive (2007)Subject: AMBER: Simulation continuation problem. Cant read restart file!!!!!!
From: Anthony Cruz (
Date: Wed Sep 26 2007 - 09:55:45 CDT
Hi User:
I have been wotking with a simulation of a heme protein in water. I decide to
run the simulation in multiple steeps of 500 ps. Right now I have 116 part
of 500ps (aprox. 60 ns). The problem is that when I re-start the simulation
to do other 5ns of simulation the simulation stop because one of the parts
cant read the box or the restart file from the previous part. When I check
the file I found the some of the coordinate were written as *. I restart all
the parts again and have the same problem again. How I can resolve the
problem of the coordinates in the restart file???
Best regards,
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