AMBER Archive (2007)

Subject: Re: AMBER: How to delete particular frame from mdcrd file (not with ptraj).

From: Steven Winfield (
Date: Wed Aug 22 2007 - 05:12:16 CDT

Dear Saurabh,

You could work out how many lines per frame there are in the mdcrd file
then use 'head' to cut out the frames before the bad one, 'tail' to get
those frames after the bad one, then 'cat' the two results into a new
mdcrd file:

$ head -n (lines/frame x frames before) mdcrd > before.mdcrd
$ tail -n (lines/frame x frames after) mdcrd > after.mdcrd
$ cat before.mdcrd after.mdcrd > new.mdcrd


saurabh agrawal wrote:
> Hello All,
> One frame of my mdcrd file is gone bad and not
> readable with ptraj or VMD software.
> I can see them through Chimera but since chimera do
> not have the facility of deleting a particule frame
> form whole trajectory, I am unable to do that.
> I need to delete that frame for rmsd generation and
> other analysis through ptraj.
> Please let me know the possible ways for doing this.
> waiting for kind replys.
> saurabh
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