AMBER Archive (2007)Subject: Re: AMBER: Linux install
From: David A. Case (
Date: Tue Jul 31 2007 - 10:35:37 CDT
On Tue, Jul 31, 2007, Beale, John wrote:
> I want to install AMBER 9 on an SGI Linux system. The computer has dual
> XEON 5160 processors, and my fortran compiler is "ifort". Can someone
> please tell me what system configuration that I should enter in the
> "./configure" procedure?
Type "uname -m" to find out what your architecture is (see the explanation
you get when typing "$AMBERHOME/src/configure -help"). Google tells me that
the Xeon 5160 is an x86_64 chip. Assuming that agrees with what uname
reports, then "configure ifort_x86_64" should get you going.
Also check "which ifort", which should report something like
/opt/intel/fce/ The "fce" part is important: don't use
something with "fc" there, as that will give you the wrong compiler for
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