AMBER Archive (2007)

Subject: Re: AMBER: Amber9 analyze timecorr manual ambigous

From: David A. Case (
Date: Thu Jul 12 2007 - 17:58:30 CDT

On Thu, Jul 12, 2007, Nicolas Lux Fawzi wrote:

> Thanks for your responses with references, I have those and I'll look
> for more details within those on this step of this type of calculation.
> Regarding the analyze timecorr, now I'm a little more confused because
> with my compiled version of amber9, specifying only vec1 (and no vec2)
> works fine as listed on pg 26. I thought it was the pg 260 argument
> option list that needed to be updated. I run this ptraj script with
> only vec1 specified:

I could easily be wrong! At one point, both vec1 and vec2 were required,
but maybe Tom fixed this before Amber9 was released. If so, then the upcoming
erratum will have to fix p. 260 rather than 261....


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