AMBER Archive (2007)

Subject: Re: AMBER: Input required for RESP

From: FyD (
Date: Wed Jul 11 2007 - 01:21:42 CDT

Quoting Neelanjana Sengupta <>:

> To calculate the RESP charges in antchamber, the input required is a
> gaussian output file.
> Can this be the output of ANY Gaussian calculation, or is it something
> very specific?

Please see the tutorial @
you will find information about the RESP program.

@ you will find many basic
examples in the RESP ESP charge DDataBase to understand RESP inputs.

and @ you will find the RESP ESP
charge Devive program (version III) that can help you to interface

I would start using basic examples. Ethanol, DMSO, etc...

regards, Francois

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