AMBER Archive (2007)

Subject: AMBER: Could not find cntrl namelist

From: Francesco Pietra (
Date: Mon Jul 09 2007 - 11:56:58 CDT

With Amber9 I am applying the scripts of web Tutorial 1B (polyA-polyT) to
another case. While the tutorial run OK, and the new case also run OK up to
section 4, relaxing structure before MD, the MD itself, with command line:

$AMBERHOME/exe/sander -O -i -o eqaeqb_gb_md1_12Acut.out
-c eqaeqb_gb_init_min.rst -p eqaeqb.prmtop -r eqaeqb_gb_md1_12Acut.rst -x

did not run, tail -f telling:

"Could not find cntrl namelist"

File "" reads:

# eqaeqb MD Generalised Born, 12 angstrom cut off
  imin = 0, ntb = 0,
  igb = 1, ntpr = 100, ntwx = 100,
  ntt = 3, gamma_ln = 1.0,
  tempi = 300.0, temp0 = 300.0
  nstlim = 100000, dt = 0.001,
  cut = 12.0

A google search did not clarify the problem. As a newcomer to MD I apologize
for posting trivial questions, if this is the case.

francesco pietra

Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally, mobile search
that gives answers, not web links.
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