AMBER Archive (2007)Subject: RE: Re: AMBER: on PATH
From: Ross Walker (
Date: Thu Jun 28 2007 - 12:58:09 CDT
Hi Francesco,
> After a long session it exited with Error 2
> Those errors that I can see on the screen comprise:
> WcActCB.c:1448: error: expected declaration specifiers before XEvent.
> WcActCB.c:1448: error: expected declaration specifiers before
> Cardinal.
> WcActCB.c: In function WcDynamicActionACT:
> WcActCB.c:1450: error: expected declaration specifiers before Widget.
> WcActCB.c:1450: error: expected declaration specifiers before XEvent.
> WcActCB.c:1450: error: expected declaration specifiers before
> Cardinal.
At this point everything should have been built with the exception of xleap
so you are good to run everything but can only use the non-graphical version
of leap (tleap) to build the molecules. Normally problems with xleap come
from not having the X11 development libraries installed but this would give
a file not found error. I am not sure what the errors you are seeing are
coming from and I'm not overly familiar with the way xleap works so I copied
this email to Wei Zhang who is the xleap expert and will hopefully be able
to help here.
In the meantime you can run all the tests, everything should be good except
the tests of xleap which should report that the executable is missing.
> If relevant, I have seen during the process calling "gcc" and
> "g++" (for
> openmpi I have used intel for both fortran, C and C++).
You don't need to worry here. Only sander and pmemd are 'parallel' using MPI
and these are all fortran so the c/c++ compiler is irrelevant for compiling
in parallel.
All the best
|\oss Walker
| HPC Consultant and Staff Scientist |
| San Diego Supercomputer Center |
| Tel: +1 858 822 0854 | EMail:- |
| | PGP Key available on request |
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