AMBER Archive (2007)Subject: Re: AMBER: set up system solution with 3 different components, each with multiple copies
From: M. L. Dodson (
Date: Tue Jun 26 2007 - 10:27:41 CDT
Nicolas Lux Fawzi wrote:
> Hi Professor Case,
> Thanks for your response.
> Yes, I really do have a 3 component system : multiple peptides (on the
> order of 20), multiple organic solvent molecules (glycerol, which i
> created in antechamber with gaff), and multiple waters.
> I suppose I could make a pdb file with the correct ratio of glycerols to
> peptides, replicate that manually/periodically enough times to get the
> system size I want, then solvateBox to add the water. I was wondering
> if there was an easier way that didn't involve manual placing of all the
> peptides and organic molecules before solvating with water.
> -Nick
Sorry to interject myself into this discussion, but this is exactly what
packmol ( was written to
do. All you need is a pdb file for each of the components.
Bud Dodson
> On Jun 26, 2007, at 8:08 AM, David A. Case wrote:
>> On Thu, Jun 21, 2007, Nicolas Lux Fawzi wrote:
>>> Could someone point me to a tutorial or any other info regarding
>>> setting up simulation system consisting of:
>>> multiple copies of short caped amino acids (ACE-X-NME) [ how do I get
>>> multiple copies of peptide in a system?
>>> multiple copies of a GAFF/antechamber-built organic co-solvent built
>>> from a single pdb file
>> The most straightforward approach would be to have a pdb file with
>> multiple
>> copies of the organic molecule, and then use the solvateBox or solvateOct
>> commands to add the water. But maybe I don't understand your question:
>> do you really have three components: some peptides, an (unspecified)
>> organic
>> solvent, and water?
>> ....dac
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M. L. Dodson
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