AMBER Archive (2007)

Subject: AMBER: environment variables

From: Francesco Pietra (
Date: Mon Jun 25 2007 - 10:51:05 CDT

I have installed openmpi-1.2.3/libnuma on Linux Debian amd64 etch in
/usr/local. Following Amber's manual, I should now set $MPI_HOME/bin on my PATH
and $MPI_HOME/lib on my LD_LIBRARY_PATH. I don't understand, as MPi_HOME is not
an environment variable of openmpi.

I am confident that I should be set by having /usr/local/bin on my PATH, and
/usr/local/lib on my LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Correct? If so, I should now go to compile parallel Amber in $AMBERHOME/ src



francesco pietra

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