AMBER Archive (2007)Subject: AMBER: Reply regarding PCA with ptraj and IED
From: Steve Spronk (spronk_at_umich.edu)
I ran into a little trouble today preparing my trajectory for essential
As both Vlad and Miguel did (see below), I ran the following two ptraj files
** evec.in **
trajin <filename>
matrix covar name mcovar
analyze matrix mcovar out evec.pev vecs 3
** proj.in **
trajin <filename>
projection modes evec.pev out proj.ppj beg 1 end 3
The first ptraj run using evec.in ran fine, and the output file had no
PTRAJ: projection modes evec.pev out proj.ppj beg 1 end 3
FYI: Number of read evecs is 1, number of requested evecs is 3
Mask [*] represents 6021 atoms
WARNING in ptraj(), transformProjection: no. of atom coords does not agree
And of course, my proj.ppj file was empty because the command was ignored.
Vlad's work (below) indicated that it may be a mask issue, but I didn't
The magic number for my system was 3333. When I specified only atoms
If you see this error, try again using only part of the system, say, only
> From: Vlad Cojocaru <Vlad.Cojocaru.eml-r.villa-bosch.de>
> Date: Tue Jan 24 2006 - 16:02:20 GMT
> Dear ambers,
> When using the inputs below to perform PCA on a protein trajectory
> (file.mdcrd containing a full protein but no ions or water), ptraj
> always fails to create the projection file (${fname}.ppj -- second
> step), the error being listed below. Obviously, the error has something
> to do with the mask because if I replace @~H* with @CA, the projection
> file is properly created. However I would like to be able to use all the
> heavy atoms so that I can visualize the results in IED using a pdb file
> with all the heavy atoms in the protein (I believe, IED doesn't allow me
> to use a pdb of the entire protein but eigenvectors calculated only for
> the CA atoms).
> If somebody has experienced such a problem, could you give me an
> advice on how to deal with this?
> I have to mention also that the modesfile ${fname}.pev created in the
> first step looks OK with 25 eigenvectors output and in the ptraj log
> file of the 2nd step the mask seems to be properly recognized (PTRAJ:
> projection modes ${fname}.pev out ${fname}.ppj beg 1 end 25 @~H* \
> Mask [~@ H*] represents 3736 atoms), with 3736 being the appropriate
> number of heavy atoms in my protein. The error comes on STDOUT output.
> Thanks in advance
> vlad
> /input1:/
> trajin file.mdcrd
> rms first @~H*
> matrix covar name mc @~H*
> analyze matrix mc out ${fname}.pev vecs 25
> /input2:/
> trajin file.mdcrd
> projection modes ${fname}.pev out ${fname}.ppj beg 1 end 25 @~H*
> /ptraj error (file ${fname}.ppj is blank -- only the header present)/
> FYI: Number of read evecs is 1, number of requested evecs is 25
> FYI: Number of read evecs is 1, number of requested evecs is 25
> WARNING in ptraj(), transformProjection: no. of atom coords does not
> agree with no. of vect elementsignoring command
> --
> Dr. Vlad Cojocaru
> EML Research gGmbH
> Molecular and Cellular Modeling Group
> Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 33
> 69118 Heidelberg, Germany
> Phone: +49-6221-533266
> Fax: +49-6221-533298
> e-mail: Vlad.Cojocaru_at_eml-r.villa-bosch.de
> http://projects.villa-bosch.de/mcm/people/cojocaru/
> From: Vlad Cojocaru <Vlad.Cojocaru.eml-r.villa-bosch.de>
> Date: Wed Jan 25 2006 - 13:28:42 GMT
> Dear amber users,
> Regarding my last email about the PCA in ptraj, I did some tests and
> I realized that the problem is indeed the mask in the ptraj projection
> command, more precisely it seems to be the wild card * which creates the
> problems.
> So in summary:
> projection modes ${fname}.pev out ${fname}.ppj beg 1 end 25
> @CA -- WORKS FINE (PPJ file created properly)
> projection modes ${fname}.pev out ${fname}.ppj beg 1 end 25
> @CA,N,C,O -- WORKS FINE (PPJ file created properly)
> projection modes ${fname}.pev out ${fname}.ppj beg 1 end 25
> @~H* -- DOESNT WORK (ppj file not created)
> projection modes ${fname}.pev out ${fname}.ppj beg 1 end 25
> @C*,N*,O*,S*,P*,F* -- DOESN'T WORK (ppj file not created)
> This problem seems to affect only the projection command, the matrix and
> analyze matrix commands work fine with all the above mentioned masks!
> Hope this helps fixing this issue!
> Best regards
> vlad
> --
> Dr. Vlad Cojocaru
> EML Research gGmbH
> Molecular and Cellular Modeling Group
> Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 33
> 69118 Heidelberg, Germany
> Phone: +49-6221-533266
> Fax: +49-6221-533298
> e-mail: Vlad.Cojocaru_at_eml-r.villa-bosch.de
> http://projects.villa-bosch.de/mcm/people/cojocaru/
> From: Miguel Ferreira <tetrass.hotmail.com>
> Date: Wed Nov 01 2006 - 14:11:57 GMT
> Dear amber users,
> I want to perform essential dynamics using ptraj and IED software. After
> strip the waters and ions of my trajectory I used the following scripts to
> calculate the eigenvectors and the corresponding projections:
> trajin mds_semH2O.mdcrd.gz
> rms first *
> matrix covar name mcovar
> analyse matrix mcovar out evec.pev vecs 25
> go
> trajin mds_semH2O.mdcrd.gz
> rms first *
> projection modes evec.pev out proj.ppj beg 1 end 25
> go
> The first script ran ok and I obtained the evec.pev file. However, the
> second script gave me the following error at command line:
> --- > FYI: Number of read evecs is 1, number of requested evecs is 25
> WARNING in ptraj(), transformProjection: no. of atom coords does not agree
> with no. of vect elementsignoring command
> Does anyone knows what this means? Any suggestions to solve this problem?
> Thanks in advance
> Miguel
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