AMBER Archive (2007)

Subject: Re: AMBER: Amber Installation Error

From: Mark Williamson (
Date: Mon Jun 18 2007 - 13:19:27 CDT

Joe Nolan wrote:
> My linux distro is as follows:
> Linux sabre 2.6.18-8.1.6.el5xen #1 SMP Fri Jun 1 19:06:54 EDT 2007
> x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
> My gfortran version is:
> gcc-gfortran - 4.1.1-52.el5.x86_64
> And parameters passed to the compiler were:
> "./configure gfortran"
> "make serial"

Dear Joe,

David is right in that you do not have the X11 development libraries. I
see you're using RHEL5. I've not used this yet, but I assume it's quite
similar to RHEL4. On this basis, you can use the up2date tool (as root)
to automagically install all the required RPMS to satisfy AMBER's build

 up2date -i xorg-x11-devel xorg-x11-libs byacc gcc-gfortran gcc-c++ cpp

Remember, you need to ensure up2date is working before you execute the
above. It is possible that the package names in RHEL5 have changed a
little, hence the above may not be totally correct. If this is so, get
back to me so that the problem can be debugged further.


Mark Williamson
The AMBER Mail Reflector
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