AMBER Archive (2007)Subject: AMBER: Internal dielectric and MMPBSA
From: Ileana Stoica (i.stoica_at_ucl.ac.uk)
I am looking at the effect of the internal dielectric constant
Normally, both the MM Coulomb energies and the PB polar solvation
Indeed, if I set DIELC=INDI=1, I get:
# -----------------------
and when I set DIELC=INDI=10, I get as expected:
ELE -3.29 0.92
However, if in addition to MM=1 and PB=1, I also happen to have
ELE -32.90 9.16
The Coulomb energies are no longer scaled and consequently the new PBTOT is
PB=1 AND GB=0.
Is this true or am I missing something? It certainly can lead to confusing
Thank you,
Ileana Stoica
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