AMBER Archive (2007)

Subject: AMBER: junk in `Noshake mask` output section

From: Ben Sattelle (
Date: Wed May 30 2007 - 16:23:49 CDT


sander.MPI (Amber9) seems to be writing part junk (binary?) to output. i am
using a regular groupfile, the &cntrl section like this ...

 100ps nve heating










the principle difference between 'normal' and 'problem' output files is in the
`Noshake mask` section, where normally ...

   .. snip ..
Noshake mask :fmn; matches 50 atoms
   Removing shake constraints from C5_ fmn 139 -- H17 fmn 139
   Removing shake constraints from C5_ fmn 139 -- H18 fmn 139
   .. snip ..

i am instead seeing the following,

   .. snip ..
Noshake mask :fmn; matches 50 atoms
   Removing shake constraints from ^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@ --
   Removing shake constraints from ^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@ --
  .. snip ...

a DV/DL 'Averages' section is written every 1000 steps but all values in this
section are zero for this latter simulation. when i query the latter file type
(using the linux tool `file`), it reports "data". for the former, with
apparantly identical input (setup procedure, although different prmtop and
inpcrd files), `file` returns "ASCII English text".

I wonder anyone has come across this before? any pointers gratefully recieved,

best wishes, Ben.

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