AMBER Archive (2007)Subject: Re :Re: AMBER: multiple excecution of sander
From: Achuth Prabhu (
Date: Fri May 18 2007 - 01:03:23 CDT
dear sirs,
thank you for your reply.
im using a server with 4 cpus and iam unable to
install the parallel version because of some c
compiler problems.when i tried tio install the mpi
libraries first, it said the c compiler cannot create
executables. the MD using sander is taken up by only
one cpu (why it is always 12% ?) . thats why I asked
such a i reinstalled the serial version.
i tried three sander MDs simulatneously and the system
now uses two of its cpus (12% each) (much better than
one cpu i think). is there any solution to this? the
system is running somewhat slower during working.
thanks in advance
--- Carlos Simmerling <>
> sander itself has no limit. your computer may run
> slowly
> with multiple sander instances but you need to be
> more clear
> about what kind of problem you are talking about and
> waht computer(s) you are using.
> On 5/17/07, Achuth Prabhu <>
> wrote:
> >
> > sir,
> > Kindly tell me if amber provides multiple
> execution
> > of sander simultaneously. if so also tell me the
> > maximum no of sander programs that can be run
> > simultaneously.
> >
> >
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