AMBER Archive (2007)

Subject: RE: AMBER: mm-pbsa error with nm = 1

From: Cenk Andac (
Date: Wed May 02 2007 - 05:50:47 CDT

Hi Hayden,
well, it sounds like there still exist a problem in your input file. I can't be of much help at this moment without seeing how you set up your input parameters last time. Could you possibly paste them in your next E-Mail message?



Hayden Eastwood <> wrote:
Dear Cenk and Urszula

I find that I get the "Param DIELC does not exist" error when both NM and MM
are set to 1. If my state is NM = 1, MM = 0 (or vice versa) everything seems
to run fine.

Is this a bug? Or is the combination of NM = 1, MM = 1 nonsensical for some
reason? (It would appear from the manual that they shouldn't be mutually

Many thanks

Hayden Eastwood

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