AMBER Archive (2007)Subject: AMBER: Steered MD & Jarzynski's equality
From: James W (
Date: Wed May 02 2007 - 01:44:20 CDT
Dear all ,
#the reference : (
I confused the Jarzynski's equality . The equality is shown:
exp (-F/KT) = < exp (-W/KT) > .
F = < W > + ......
I used SMD module of CHARMM and obtained the reaction coordinates &
work ,like this :
57.00000 57.73576 -1471.51842 0.00000
57.00093 57.34648 -691.10171 -1.00562
*RC : reaction coordinates
I wanted to obtain the " < W > " form my data . My method is :
1. S = sum { exp (-W(i) /kT )} , i = 1 ....N
2. p(i)= exp (-W(i) /kT ) / S
3. <W(i)> = W(i)*p(i) / S
Could you tell me that my method is right ?
National Center High-performance Computing (
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