AMBER Archive (2007)Subject: Re: AMBER: Error on compile amber8
From: David LeBard (
Date: Tue Apr 24 2007 - 00:45:45 CDT
Check your PATH variable for problems with not finding system commands like
cp,mv,rm, etc. Most likely you don't load the right bin directory, which in
this case is probably /bin itself. But, for the configure problem, you'll
need to start by finding chmod and do "chmod u+x configure" or some variant
to make configure an executable.
Hopefully this will get you started.
All the best,
David LeBard
Arizona State University
On 4/23/07, tri nam Vo <> wrote:
> Dear amber user,
> I compile amber8 and take this error when type the command
> > ./configure -p4 ifort
> Error: bash: ./configure: Permission denied.
> And when I compile intel fortran 9.1.043, it said that 'cp', 'mv' and 'rm'
> command not found but' i'm sure that I've install these command on my
> computer.
> Can anyone tell me the reason of these error? Thank.
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