AMBER Archive (2007)

Subject: AMBER: mdfil.f

From: Peljidiyn Genden (
Date: Sat Apr 14 2007 - 02:43:27 CDT

Jagshemash! [sacred Mongolian word meaning "Hello
everybody, nice to meet you again!"]

it is well known here in Mongolia that FORTRAN is a
unique language
in many ways; in particular, FORTRAN (unlike any other
language in
the visible part of our Universe) does not evaluate
expressions is some definite order; therefore there
are (at least)
2 (more) errors in mdfil.f submodule of SANDER module
of AMBER; see below

--- src/sander/mdfil.f
+++ src/sander/mdfil.f
@@ -299,8 +299,9 @@ integer function iargc_wrap()
             is = istart
             ie = istart
- do while ( ie <= iend .and. &
- groupbuffer(ie:ie) /= ' ' )
+ do while ( ie <= iend)
+ if (groupbuffer(ie:ie) == ' ' ) &
+ exit
                ie = ie + 1
             end do
             ia = ia + 1
@@ -349,8 +350,9 @@ subroutine getarg_wrap(iarg, arg)
             is = istart
             ie = istart
- do while ( ie <= iend .and. &
- groupbuffer(ie:ie) /= ' ' )
+ do while ( ie <= iend )
+ if (groupbuffer(ie:ie) == ' ') &
+ exit
                ie = ie + 1
             end do
             ia = ia + 1

Excuse me please for the so brief message - I have to
run - Mongolian
born Kazaki superstar Korki Buchek sings today in the
national academie theater of opera and ballet
(Ulaanbaatar, Mongol Uls).

  Peljidiyn Genden

 sef w==@$@# =@$3 23 @#$@= 234@# ++ 234 24

       Peljidiyn Genden, Ph. D., MD, FD, and OP
             Ministry Of FORTRAN Affairs
               Ulaanbaatar, Mongol Uls

   [phone/fax are prohibited in our department to
        us from spreading the insanity over the wires]

 966 0wr wer er == ___ 34 r5234 === 2345 2=--- 234

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