AMBER Archive (2007)

Subject: Re: Re: AMBER: parse radii

Date: Mon Apr 09 2007 - 04:35:06 CDT

Quoting AYTUG TUNCEL <>:

> Thanks Holger,
> I used the command "set default pbradii parse", but it gave me the
> following message,
> gbparm value must be 'bondi', 'amber6', 'mbondi', 'pbamber', or 'mbondi2'
> usage: set <container> <parameter> <object>
> or: set default <parameter> <value>
> Is there something I am missing? Thanks in advance.

You are right - the 'parse' option didn't make it to the final release
version I just see.

If you are willing to change some of the leap code, here is what is
needed. Goto $AMBERHOME/src/leap/src/leap, then

- edit commands.c such that it looks like (around row 2600)
                } else if ( !strcmp( sString, "mbondi2" ) ) {
                        GDefaults.iGBparm = 6;
                        VP0(("Using H(N)-modified Bondi radii\n"));
                } else if ( !strcmp( sString, "parse" ) ) {
                        GDefaults.iGBparm = 7;
                        VP0(("Using PARSE radii\n"));
                } else {
                        VP0(("gbparm value must be 'bondi', 'amber6',
'mbondi', 'pbamber', 'mbondi2' or 'parse'\n"

- edit unitio.c such that it looks like (around row 5228)
                } else if ( GDefaults.iGBparm == 3 ){ /* radii from
Huo & Kollman */

                        switch( iElement ){
                                case 1: dGBrad = 1.15; break;
                                case 6: dGBrad = 1.85; break;
                                case 7: dGBrad = 1.64; break;
                                case 8: dGBrad = 1.53; break;
                                case 9: dGBrad = 1.53; break;
                                case 15: dGBrad = 2.02; break;
                                case 16: dGBrad = 2.00; break;
                                case 17: dGBrad = 1.97; break;
                                case 35: dGBrad = 2.03; break;
                                case 53: dGBrad = 2.10; break;
                                default: dGBrad = 1.5; break; /* DAC
made this up! */
                } else if ( GDefaults.iGBparm == 7 ){ /* PARSE radii */

                        switch( iElement ){
                                case 1: dGBrad = 1.00; break;
                                case 6: dGBrad = 1.70; break;
                                case 7: dGBrad = 1.50; break;
                                case 8: dGBrad = 1.40; break;
                                case 15: dGBrad = 2.00; break;
                                case 16: dGBrad = 1.85; break;
                                default: dGBrad = 1.50; break; /* DAC
made this up */

Recompile leap, then generate a new parmtop file with "set default
pbradii parse" . You might want to check the "FLAG RADII" section in
this parmtop file to make sure that the proper PARSE radii are written

Best regards


> Aytug
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Holger Gohlke <>
> To:
> Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2007 11:24:17 +0200
> Subject: Re: AMBER: parse radii
> Am Mittwoch, 4. April 2007 11:10 schrieb AYTUG TUNCEL:
>> Hi all,
>> Is it possible to use parse radii in mm_pbsa calculations without Delphi in
>> Amber8 ? Thanks in advance.
> Yes, you can do so by generating a prmtop file via leap using the
> "set default
> pbradii parse" option and running mm_pbsa with the pbsa module (PROC=2),
> setting RADIOPT=0 and using this prmtop file. Make sure the SURFTEN/SURFOFF
> values and PRBRAD are according to what they should be when using the PARSE
> radii.
> Best regards
> Holger
>> Aytug
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> Dr. Holger Gohlke
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