AMBER Archive (2007)Subject: AMBER: amber 9 install: patch reject
From: Stern, Julie (
Date: Tue Mar 27 2007 - 12:50:33 CST
Below is what appeared in the patch reject file after installing amber 9 on a linux-i686, and
after applying bugfix.all . Does this mean anything? I did want to use LES, so do I
need to do anything?
*** 4033,4044 ****
* Do recursive calls as necessary for outputing LES trajectories
if ( outInfo->les_action != LES_NONE && outInfo->les_status == LES_READY ) {
- outInfo->les_status = LES_DONE;
int natomCL = lesSize( atoms );
double* xrep = safe_malloc( sizeof( double ) * natomCL );
double* yrep = safe_malloc( sizeof( double ) * natomCL );
double* zrep = safe_malloc( sizeof( double ) * natomCL );
if ( outInfo->les_action == LES_SPLIT ) {
int icopy=0;
--- 4033,4045 ----
* Do recursive calls as necessary for outputing LES trajectories
if ( outInfo->les_action != LES_NONE && outInfo->les_status == LES_READY ) {
int natomCL = lesSize( atoms );
double* xrep = safe_malloc( sizeof( double ) * natomCL );
double* yrep = safe_malloc( sizeof( double ) * natomCL );
double* zrep = safe_malloc( sizeof( double ) * natomCL );
+ outInfo->les_status = LES_DONE;
if ( outInfo->les_action == LES_SPLIT ) {
int icopy=0;
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