AMBER Archive (2007)Subject: AMBER: Does Sander.MPI support coupling effect between different molecules at the same area at the same temperature in the mixture?
From: Jin-Soo Kim (
Date: Sat Mar 24 2007 - 05:40:26 CST
I am a "sander.MPI" user.
My study is on the rotational viscosity of the mixture which is consists of
different kinds of molecules.
maybe sander.MPI supports coupling effect between same molecules.
Does sander.MPI support coupling effect between different molecules during
frictioning, too?
I post this question because sander.LES does not support different
'molecules' for pressure coupling. ( AMBER9 manual p.242 (6))
I know sander.MPI and sander.LES are different program, but I am not sure
sander.MPI support coupling effect between different molecules at the same
area at the same temperature during the friction-motion in the mixture.
Thank you,
Jin-Soo Kim
KU, Korea
Jin-Soo Kim
KonKuk Univ.
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