AMBER Archive (2007)

Subject: Re: AMBER: Generating structure of polyethylene glycol in AMBER

From: FyD (
Date: Thu Mar 22 2007 - 16:57:55 CST

Quoting Lili Peng <>:

> On a side note, I was also told that I could use Accelrys' Discovery Viewer
> software to draw the PEG structure. Do you know if that program allows me to
> generate a file in a format that can be accessed by VMD?

Draw ? do you mean construct ?

I never used Accelrys' Discovery Viewer. I used XLeAP to build PDB
initial structures or insightII from Accelrys to build more complex
initial structures to the PDB or Tripos mol2 file format. I hope this

regards, Francois

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